Rooted is a discipleship experience that leads you through 7 spiritual rhythms to a healthy relationship with Jesus and an understanding of your purpose in God’s story. You will work your way through weekly readings that teach foundational elements of Christianity such as scripture, prayer, generosity and service.

Rooted is for people in every life stage, whether you’re just now learning about who Jesus is, or been attending church for a few months or you’ve been following Jesus for 20+ years. The reality is, wherever you are in your faith, we are all continually in transition to live the way God intended.

We at FCCHB believe we all need to be continually challenged in our faith in order to experience transformation. Joining a Rooted group can seem intimidating or even scary. However, our promise to you is this: If you go through Rooted, you will grow relationally with others and with God. It will impact both your purpose in life and how you live out that purpose.



Weekly Meetings | Wed, Feb 26th-Apr 30th

*If you have questions, please email Cinthia Miller.





How do I register and what does it cost?

Registration is easy! Just click one of the buttons above and follow the steps. The cost is $60 per person to go through the course. This covers all sessions with trained facilitators, your workbook, other materials, and 3 separate meals. This breaks down to roughly $5 a week.

How many weeks is Rooted?

Rooted is an 10-week commitment. 9 weeks working through the workbook and one week to celebrate the Rooted experience.  

How long are the weekly gatherings?

The weekly Wednesday gatherings are from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on the FCCHB campus. In addition to the Wednesday weekly gatherings, there are two additional gatherings for the prayer experience and serve experience. Dates and times for these events will be given to you by your facilitator at your first weekly gathering. 

Is childcare available?

Parents of 6th - 8th grade students can have their student(s) attend our Junior High Ministry. If you have children ages 0 yrs. old - 5th grade and would like to register for childcare, please email Cinthia Miller.

Can my Community Group go through Rooted?

Your Community Group members can go through Rooted as individuals but not together as a group. Please contact your Groups Coordinator to discuss.

Where will my Rooted group meet?

All of our Rooted groups meet in different rooms around the FCCHB campus. The launch will be held in The Commons.

How will my Rooted group be chosen?

Our Rooted team will prayerfully place people into groups. If you have a request to be with a certain person, please let us know in your registration. You can also email your request to Cinthia Miller at

What if I can’t make all ten weeks?

We realize that Rooted is a large time commitment, but we believe it is worth it. Due to this belief, if you know you are going to miss more than 2 of the 10 meetings, we ask that you wait until the next session of Rooted. We do not want you to miss the prayer experience (between weeks 3 & 4) or the strongholds conversation (week 5) when you go through Rooted. The 10 weeks are a cumulative experience and so we ask for your consistency each week.  

Will there be food provided during the weekly gatherings?

The Rooted team will not be providing food for your weekly gatherings. Please plan to eat before or after your group meeting time. The exception to this being the prayer experience (a boxed lunch) and the celebration (a full meal).

Why do I have to pay?

Rooted is an 9-week experience, which includes a workbook and three different meals. Your fee helps cover those costs, and helps provide scholarships for others that need financial aid. We believe you will see the value of this experience once you have completed it.

When do I get my materials?

You will receive your workbook the first time you meet together with your group. Your group facilitator will explain how the workbook is used.

If I've already registered, but can no longer attend, am I able to get a refund?

You will be able to receive a full refund up to 10 days before the start date of the session you’ve registered for. After that point, if you are unable to attend or don’t show up to Rooted, we will be unable to offer you a refund, as we will have already purchased course materials for you.

Can I facilitate a Rooted group?

In order to lead Rooted, you must first go through the Rooted program and not miss the prayer experience or strongholds conversation.

Can my payment rollover to the next session of Rooted if I am unable to attend after the refund period is over?

In order to maintain and encourage a certain level of commitment from participants, we unfortunately do not offer rollovers. If you missed the refund period, but can no longer attend, you will have to pay the full amount again if you’d like to participate in the next session of Rooted. We do this to discourage participants from dropping out last-minute in order to be respectful of our facilitators’ time that they have so generously volunteered.