FCCHB’s Assistance Ministry exists to help you are anyone else with a need in our community. Check out the different assistance programs & volunteer opportunities we have below.
Food Pantry
WHEN: The 4th Sunday every month from 1-2:30 PM
WHERE: FCC parking lot on the corner of Adams & 17th
WHAT: You'll receive both fresh & non-perishable foods. We’ll even have some additional options for toiletries, diapers, wipes, and cleaning supplies.
Love Does No Harm Group
WHEN: Thursdays, February 27 - Apr 10 | 6:30pm
WHERE: The Commons (downstairs from the Auditorium)
WHAT: Are you navigating the challenges of a harmful or unhealthy relationship? Or perhaps you're seeking to recover from a past one—or prevent yourself from entering one in the future. This Discovery Group offers a safe and encouraging space for all women to find healing, support, and guidance. No matter where you are on this journey, you belong here.
Click below to register for this evening group and take the next step toward wholeness.
Donate Pantry Goods or organize your own food drive
For specific questions and concerns, feel free to call us at 714.845.5355 or check out these local resources.
Resource Guide
Coming soon!
Orange County Emergency Support Hotline (211)