Welcome to Online Hosting!


We’re so excited that you’re helping with this incredibly important part of FCCHB.

The truth is, church online is the primary way many people investigate a church. So, when someone logs on to view a service, they are deciding… a) if they like our church, b) if they have a good experience, and c) if they want to return. But it’s also more than that.

Our Live Stream platform isn’t just a preview of the church. We believe this can be and is a great way for people to follow Jesus and participate in the life of FCCHB; and your role as an Online Host is vital in helping this happen.

What does an Online Host do?

Our Online Host Team represents FCCHB in our Live Online environments every weekend via the online chat room, prays with our guests as requested, guides online guests to various links and resources as appropriate, and serves as the personal connection to our FCCHB community when guests attend our gathering online.

Apply to be an Online Host

Online Host Team members must regularly attend FCCHB, either online or in-person, and be engaged in the FCCHB community.


If you have any questions regarding the Online Host volunteer position or the application process, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Stephen Pate, our Director of Adult Ministries.