Stay Informed!

You can make a practical & helpful difference locally
& globally. Join our Volunteer Enews to stay up-to-date
and hear about upcoming local volunteer projects
& outreach trips.

Explore our partners!

FCCHB has a network of local nonprofit partners we support & volunteer with. Click the button below to check out various opportunities to serve and make a practical difference in our community.


After both of our 9 & 10:45 am Sunday Services on June 9th, we will have upwards of 20 of our local partners on campus sharing about what they do and offer. If you need any resources please come by! This is also a wonderful opportunity to be able to exercise the spiritual rhythm of service. Come and hang with us to learn more!





Learn about our global partners and how you can love others everyday.


Give a child hope for a better future.

SUpport disaster relief

Donate to our Disaster Relief Fund.


Go on a short-term trip or support a trip participant.


Learn about how you can be praying for communities around the world.


Learn about how you can engage with different cultures here at home.


Do you have any questions? Are you not sure what next step is right for you?

Feel free to email Jericho Rhoten for more information.